Ads4Change is a proposal for a multi-platform intervention into the business model of the internet. It is a chrome extension that works like an ad blocker, and replaces the advertisements that users would normally see with socially conscious ads from advertisers who care about social responsibility. Users would be able to choose which causes they want the revenue from their ad views to go to.
The Concept
Ads4Change is a proposed chrome extension which allows consumers to turn their web browsing into a socially conscious activity which earns money for causes they care about. Ads4Change is also a social website which creates a platform for consumers to propose causes they care about. They can create campaigns for causes they care about and Ads4Change will connect their campaigns with advertisers that want to target consumers who care about those causes. The proceeds from their ad views goes directly to the charitable organizations the users identify when they create the campaigns. It is similar to a crowdfunding site where the campaigns that users care about are measured by the number of users that choose to see ads for the cause.
System Map & Stakeholder Analysis
An important part of planning out a tool or product is understanding the system in which it is a part of. Without understanding the stakeholders it effects a product risks unintended consequences, backlash and bad PR, or simply poor rates of adoption among its target audience.
Personas & Day in the Life
In order to understand the use cases around the product, as well as better define the target users of Ads4Change, personas and ‘day’s in the life’ were constructed. These exercises are vital for mapping out intention during the middle stages of the design process, after the research has been conducted and the concept is clear, but before it has been finalized and polished. It serves as a check on any assumptions that could have been made earlier in the process and reveals flaws in the thinking around why the UX is constructed the way it is.
Marketing Plan:
Ads4Change is a proposal for a multi-platform intervention into the business model of the internet.
Along with launch of the Chrome extension and the rollout of the social platform, Ad4Change needs paid PR and marketing in order to gain traction. The two primary channels for this marketing would be Out Of Home and digital/social media. The strategy for the Out Of Home advertising would be to raise brand awareness and grab attention of potential users. Meanwhile the social and digital marketing campaigns would intercept potential users in the place where they would be most likely to convert, while they are using their computers or mobile devices. Ideally the combination of these two types of marketing would drive the consumer further down the funnel resulting in increased awareness, traffic, and ultimately use.